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August 09, 2024





International park celebrates 60th anniversary
by J.D. Rule


      The Roosevelt Campobello International Park celebrated 60 years of promoting the U.S. Canada relationship on July 27 with a full crowd and a roster of dignitary speakers from both sides of the border. The event, which was centered on a full week of activities promoting the park, opened with welcoming comments by Chairman Anna Eleanor Roosevelt followed by a bilingual greeting from Passamaquoddy Chief Pos Bassett of Sipayik.
      Music was provided by the J Company Pipe Band, a unit of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, singers and a huge drum performing for the speakers and guests, most of whom were seated in large tents placed in front of the Roosevelt cottage's front porch.
      Speaker after speaker extolled the long standing relationship between the United States and Canada, which share the world's longest unguarded border. U.S. Ambassador David Cohen spoke of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's support for the D Day landing, which included a large contingent of Canadian troops and led to the conclusion of World War II, then added that the same spirit continues today in the mutual support for Ukraine.
      Maine Governor Janet Mills, speaking of the treaty of 1842 that established the international border down through the Lubec Channel, got a round of applause and laughter when she asked, "Whatever got into Daniel Webster to sign off on Campobello?" She added that the island is "close enough to Lubec to borrow a cup of sugar at low tide."
      U.S. Senator Angus King, a member of the park's commission, pointed out that he would keep his comments brief, as "I am not even listed on the agenda." He added, "We will only be the land of the free as long as we are also the home of the brave." He then introduced Carlene Tremblay, a state office representative for U.S. Senator Susan Collins, who described how she feels at home when visiting her vacation residence on Campobello. She then presented the park with an American flag that had flown over the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C. New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs also spoke, as did several other Canadian officials.
      A buffet lunch was provided following the comments, then many of the participants explored the park and the summer residence of the 32nd president of the United States.
      The day's festivities concluded with a brief and more private presentation by Dwayne Tomah of the nearby Passamaquoddy Tribe, who arrived by boat and remained on the pier. He spoke directly with Anna Roosevelt and also Commissioner Christopher Roosevelt, presenting them and the park with ceremonial Native American gifts. Tomah, a relative of Tomah Joseph, a long time friend of Franklin Roosevelt, spoke of the close relationship between the Passamaquoddy Tribe and the Roosevelt family.
      The celebration continued the next day, July 28, and included tours and a special version of the park's popular Tea with Eleanor.


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