The Quoddy Tides was founded in November 1968 and is published the second and fourth Fridays of the month. Circulation is approximately 5,000, which is the highest circulation of any newspaper published in Washington County. Towns covered include Eastport, Pleasant Point, Perry, Pembroke, Robbinston, Charlotte, Dennysville, Whiting, Lubec, Campobello, Deer Island, Grand Manan and some coverage (and circulation) in Calais and Machias. The office is located at 123 Water Street, Eastport, Maine.
Mailing address: The Quoddy Tides, P.O. Box 213, Eastport, ME 04631. Phone: 207-853-4806. Fax: 207-853-4095. E-mail: or
DISPLAY ADVERTISING Page size is 10" x 15" in 4 columns. Column widths: 1 column, 2.375" (14 picas); 2 columns, 4.875"; 3 columns, 7.375", 4 columns, 10".
Pricing: $7 a column inch, with special rates: full page, $384; half page, $192; quarter page, $96; and eighth page, $48. The charge for ads in the Quoddy Tides Summer Guide is double the regular ad rate, at $14 a column inch, with the special rates of full page, $768; half page, $384; quarter page, $192; and eighth page, $96.
We offer a 5% discount for ads running consecutively between two and six months or a total of eight issues per year. We offer a 10% discount for ads running consecutively between six and 12 months.
We offer a 15% discount for ads running consecutively for more than 12 months. Advertisers must commit in advance to running the ads before the discount is offered.
Ad size and layout can vary between issues and still retain discount rate.
If an advertiser has an outstanding balance more than 30 days past due and makes no arrangement for a payment plan or for an alternative billing cycle, the frequency discount will not be available for a year from that date.
If an advertiser commits to the discount terms and then cancels ads before the discount term has run to completion, the advertiser will be eligible for only the 5% discount rate for the first 12 months of a new contract period.
Spot color charge: $75. Full color charge: $185.
Inserts: $100 per thousand.
Ads can be e-mailed to or faxed to 207-853- 4095. Camera-ready ads should be sent in PDF format and should be sized according to the mechanical requirements. All photos should be sent in separate jpeg format, unless the ad is camera-ready.
Ad placement may be requested but will not be guaranteed. PDF proofs will be provided if requested, if the information is received before the deadline. All advertising is subject to acceptance by the publisher.
The charges for classified ads are $2 for 10 words or fewer; $4 for 11 to 20 words, and 10 cents for each additional word.
The deadline for display advertising is 5 p.m. on the Monday preceding the Friday of publication. The classified ad deadline is 5 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the Friday of publication.
SUBSCRIPTION AND NEWSSTAND PRICES Annual subscription price is $30 within Washington County, Maine, and $35 outside of Washington County. If payment is in Canadian funds, the cost is $35. If one person is paying for more than two subscriptions, the charge is only $25 for each additional subscription. Newsstand price is $1.25 per copy. Charge to newsstand retailers is $1.05.
Cards of Thanks and In Memoriams: $5 for 20 words or fewer, and 10 cents for each additional word. Additional $5 for a photo. Obituaries: $20 for one column (up to 575 words); $50 for one column plus additional text. Additional $5 for each photograph. Committal Notices: $7.50. No charge for death notices. Weddings and Engagements: $5, with additional $5 for photo. Photocopies: 20 cents per page for first 20 pages; 10 cents per page after first 20. Faxes: to send, $3, 1st page; $1 for pages 2-10; then 0.25/page. To receive — 50 cents per page.
Policies outlined below should be used by staff at their discretion. Sometimes bending the rules to accommodate someone is better than causing permanent ill will.
Ad payment
All ads (display, classified, cards of thanks, obituaries, etc.) should be paid in advance unless the advertiser has an established account in good standing. An advertiser has established an account after running two pre-paid consecutive ads. However, even with established accounts prepayment is encouraged whenever possible, including with credit card.
Accounts in good standing
Eligible for 30-day billing, but payment in advance is encouraged, especially automatic billing by credit card. Accounts in poor standing
Those advertisers running “till further notice” ads will need to make 100% payment on any 90-day outstanding balance as well as full payment on a new ad before a new ad will be published.
Credit card filing and security
Because advertisers are encouraged to use automatic credit card billing, credit card security is important. For the security of our customers, The Quoddy Tides keeps credit card information in a secure location and does not store it on its computers.